Jenna, a confident and intelligent young girl with unconstrained female sensuality.

Jenna with full of personality and devious charm, a true natural beauty inside and out, with golden locks, honey eyes and tanned skin.Prepare to be captivated and enchanted from the moment our eyes meet. She is the ultimate fantasy, the girl you dream about at night, sexy but also sweet, friendly and down to earth. She is ready to fulfil all your innermost desires and enjoy having intimate chemistry which comes naturally to her. She looks forward to getting to know you and experimenting.

JennaπŸ’žβ€ŠπŸ’—πŸ’ž Back in Town! β€Šβ€ŠπŸ’žβ€ŠAll Natural πŸ’—πŸ’žGFE/ PSE

Height = 5,3
Bust = 34
Waist = 23
Hip = 34
Eye = honey color
Hair = Blond
Length Of Hair = Waist Hair Lenght
Weight = 126
Age = 24
Languages = Spanish
Her Talent = Entertainer, Dancer, Model, tantra sensual massager, soul inspirational-trainer.
Dress Size = S
Lingerie Size = S
Lingerie Style = silk
Cup Size = B
Footwear = 8
Perfume = Valentino
Cuisine = Venezuelan food
Drinks = Alcoholic beverages during the appt not allowed
What turns her on = A true gentleman, polite, nice, friendly and respectful
What turns her off = Bad hygiene, friends who ask about my personal life, rude friends


1 H 400
HH 350
90 Min 750
2 H 800
